Safety is Key to a Great Workplace

MIller's Smorgasbord at the Grill

The busy season is almost here! Can you believe that spring has sprung!?

I don’t know about you, but I feel as though we just got done celebrating the festive holiday season with great food and gatherings including our Employee Breakfast with Santa and Holiday Party at the Eden Resort….ahh, great memories. But time flies, doesn’t it? Before we know it, it’ll be time for our June Employee Picnic.

Soon, it will be the busy summer season. While I know we prefer to be busy, it is equally important to remember to take care of yourself. That’s why we adjusted our posting schedules to be at least two weeks out – giving you more time to plan and to prioritize self-care.

Now, as the pace picks up, it’s crucial to keep safety front and center. Yes, we are busy. Yes, there is a lot that needs to be done. Yes, guests demand attention and our co-workers may need a hand, too.  But as we work every day, we MUST take a moment to assure that we are not losing sight of working safely. A few examples:

  • We need to ensure we are being thoughtful about handling sharp knives and wearing a cut glove. 
  • Make sure that we are walking carefully through our kitchens with the proper non-slip footwear to avoid slips and falls.
  • Be sure to hold the railing when going up or down stairs as well as walking one stair at a time.
  • Take your time and follow ALL the steps, especially when assisting others with unfamiliar tasks.
  • If you see others struggling to lift a heavy item, offer to help –  AND lift with your legs, NOT your back.

Safety in the workplace is about being observant of everything around you.

  • When you see a wet floor, grab a mop and a wet floor sign.
  • When you see a tripping hazard, remove it.
  • If you cannot remove the hazard because it is part of a permanent fixture, such as torn carpet; report it. If you see something in front of an emergency exit, move it.
  • If you see overloaded receptacles, report them. Remember that extension cords are not for permanent installation, only to fulfill a temporary need so put them away when you are done.

Safety in the work environment is about taking care of others as much as it is yourself. None of us want to get hurt nor do we wish to see any of our co-workers get injured. This is an important part of our mission and culture. Make people feel valued by working to prevent them from harm. 

Lastly, familiarize yourself with your business unit’s Safety Committee members. Reporting safety concerns to them helps to assure the safety issue gets addressed in a timely manner by the company.

I am personally glad you are on the team and hope that you have a SAFE, productive and FUN summer….it is right around the corner after all!
